Photo Quiz

This photo quiz is a bit different from the others I've done so far. Instead of giving you a full picture, I'm going to put up a piece of the image and a hint. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to try to figure out what this is a picture of.

First, the picture:


Now, the hint: This item shares a name with a place where it's never been.

I'll post the answer (or possibly a new hint) on Tuesday.

More like this

This is a Saturn 5 rocket.

Could be a Titan 4A rocket

just like Nathan I first thought of the Saturn V - have seen one similar to this at Houston...

First stage of the Saturn Five rocket showing the nozzles of the J-1 motors. Five in all.

By Bob Brashear (not verified) on 15 Mar 2008 #permalink

I think these are the SSMEs from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

I think Nick may be correct. I also made a mistake identifying the first stage motors for the Saturn 5. They were F-1 engines (5 in all). The nozzle extensions in the photo above look different than those for the F-1.

By Bob Brashear (not verified) on 16 Mar 2008 #permalink

These bear no resemblance to the SSMEs used on the STS-26, based on the image at

There should be external plumbing visible, if these were SSMEs.

By JohnnieCanuck, FCD (not verified) on 16 Mar 2008 #permalink

I based my guess on the fact that this photo seems to be inside a hangar of some sort, and that the photo seems to be of a quality to suggest that it was taken in recent years. Since the remaining Saturn V's have been on outdoor display in Texas, Alabama. and Florida for as long as I can remember, I didn't think it likely that it was a Saturn.

Also, there are only three engines visable in the photo, and they seem to be set at slightly different angles, with the top center engine slightly forward. The first stage engines on the Saturn V were all mounted parallel and even with one another.

Indoor display of the unused Saturn 5 rocket at the Apollo exhibit in Florida.

Further research revealed the Alabama specimen has also been moved indoors. I have to remember from now on, Google, then type....

I still think those engines are from the Shuttle...

Is it possible that they could be from the new Orion or another booster?