National Disgrace-in-Chief, take whatever.

The camera at the opening ceremonies just captured our President, sprawled in his chair, binoculars dangling limply from one hand, looking blankly out in space, and generally appearing to be thoroughly bored. That appearance was not dispelled when he looked at his watch. Way to represent us to the world, Bushie.

Update: Daily Kos has the video up for those of you who missed it.


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That appearance was not dispelled when he looked at his watch.

Well, he is a busy man...what with his having to start packing and all.

The man is a putz.

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 09 Aug 2008 #permalink

He had his jacket back on and was standing proudly and waving when the only country that matters came in, though. [/sarcasm]

I had myself a good rant about this as I watched the scene last night.
164 days, 2 1/2 hours

Oh, if only he had spent more time at the White House sitting around bored instead of hatching schemes for getting his country into trouble.

Well, to be fair, the only things going around the track were people, not advertisement-plastered stock cars...