How To Boil a Frog!

I give a lot of credit to people who try and make peak oil and climate movies - trying to overcome the natural impulse of most people to say "Let's not go see that movie about how we're all doomed, instead, let's go see The Expendables" is one of those tilting at windmill things I admire. The problem is that even your doomy blogiste here would probably rather watch a decaying Sylvester Stallone than sit through most of the movies. No matter how thoughtful and well told, nothing is going to get your Grandmother or your 19 year old nephew who likes explosions to sit through _The End of Suburbia_ (which to be fair is good, if dry, and did a huge amount to bring peak oil to public attention), and I've only met a couple of people who could actually sit through the endless self-obsessed melodrama of _What a Way to Go_ without chemical enhancement.

_How To Boil a Frog_ however, is a delightful exception. I saw the early short version that circulated the net and thought - yay! A movie that actually explains useful concepts in a way that is entertaining and well done. A movie that someone might actually not have to be chained to a chair to see (I did once get a pair of teenagers to watch _The End of the Suburbia_ with enthusiasm, but only because they thought they were seeing a documentary about a band called "Suburbia" - I don't think that'll work twice, though.)

Here's an excerpt:

The film is now complete and full length, but at this point, will only be released on Canadian pay-tv. But now it needs to reach larger markets - Canadian pay-tv, infinitely powerful as it is, will not reach everyone. So if you want to help, there's info here - say, if any of my readers are film industry mega-powers or super-celebrities (I'm sure there are dozens of you!), I'm sure Jon Cooksey would love to hear from you.


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The history teacher at the school I work at showed my copy of The End of Suburbia to all his students back in 2004. It pretty much was a flop, but in a school such as ours, almost any non-entertainment, non-comedy movie does likewise.

By Stephen B. (not verified) on 30 Aug 2010 #permalink