Let 'Em Know How Much You Care

ASPO managed a real coup, getting an editorial in _The Hill_ (The Congressional Website) two days before our Congressional Briefing and Press Conference on Thursday. We're doing everything we can to bring the words "peak oil" into the public eye.

This is a great opportunity for you to make sure that your congressperson and their staffers know that you want them to pay attention to peak oil. First of all, you can and should comment at _The Hill_ : http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-a-environment/122627-runn…. The more comments that say something like "I'm concerned about peak energy and wonder why it took so long for this issue to make it here" - or jump into the fray in other ways, the more likely people are to note "Wow, this is getting a lot of attention."

Second, call your congressperson's office! Ask them - are you sending someone to the briefing? Do you have a peak oil plan and policy in place? Why not! Let them know who you are and why you care.

C'mon, folks, open the floodgates, let them know how many of you are out there!


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I'm assuming briefing is for both houses? Will call today!

By Christina (not verified) on 06 Oct 2010 #permalink

Also, details on the time and location of the briefing? I'd like to provide as much detail as possible in my calls...

By Christina (not verified) on 06 Oct 2010 #permalink

What briefing is that, and where? I didn't find a (prominent) mention at the ASPO site, nor at the ASPOUSA.org conference page.