Back and Thanks!

First and foremost, thank you so much to John Bell, Molly Davis and Niepoliski for their aid and comfort while I was head down in the conference. I admit, I had no idea that I would be going every single second of each day, and running on quite so little sleep. I think realistically, being on the board and being able to blog the conference are fundamentally incompatible, and next year, I probably won't try it. But thanks to my friends and allies, you at least got the beginnings of a picture of what was happening. There's so much information being shared there - someone called it "like drinking from the firehose" and I suspect some of what I learned will appear gradually over the next month or two as I begin to process it.

I should, of course, be taking up the mantle of my blog again today. But it is really beautiful out right at the moment, and I've spent four straight days either in a hermetically sealed train or a hermetically sealed hotel, forgetting that there were things like "sun," so I fear I'll leave you with some music and go outside and play. I feel like I'm back out on the earth after a long stay on another planet. But hey, I got faith in the sky, faith in the sun, faith in the people...

Back tomorrow!


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Welcome back. I'm curious to hear about the ratio of practical to theoretical during the conference.

By PBrazelton (not verified) on 11 Oct 2010 #permalink

I thought the guest blogging went very well, and was a perfect embodied example of "adapting in place" to a changing circumstance. Hats off to all who made it happen!