35 Reasons You Might Want to Attend the 2011 ASPO-USA Conference

1. To hang out with me, of course ;-).

2. To make your voice heard in Washington about this issue - because we don't have much time to begin to act, and every person here who says 'I care deeply about this' helps reinforce our message of the centrality of this issue.

3, To hear Wes Jackson talk about what we're going to eat in the coming decades.

4. To get the latest in the emerging story on Shale Gas reality.

5. Because where else can you hear Nicole Foss and Jeff Rubin arguing deflation vs. inflation in the hallways?

6. Because our future depends on getting the word out and we need your help.

7. Because if you want to do with your retirement funds in this economy there are more experts here per square foot than anywhere else.

8. Because China, India and imports will shape the energy future and Jeff Brown and Ming Li can tell you how.

9. To hear Chris Martenson talk about the latest financial developments.

10. Because you can eat your lunch next to Dmitry Orlov, Naomi Davis and Bob Hirsch.

11. To find out whether Kurt Cobb's peak oil thriller _Prelude_ is going to be made into a movie.

12. To figure out what the next steps in transportation for a low-oil future are, land, air and sea.

13. To see people who disagree radically on climate change working together to help us burn less energy.

14. To make a visit to your congressperson and make it clear that this is a central issue for you.

15. To hear Charlie Maxwell explain emergent trends in energy with analogies from Virgil - in the original Latin, of course.

16. To hear Jeff Rubin explain what's wrong with the economy, sans Latin, but with vast exuberance.

17. Because the Middle Eastern Spring shows that we can't count on geopolitical stability - and we need to understand where we've been and where we're going.

18. To bring new activists and their work into the forefront, to build the message and spread the news to new audiences.

19. Late night conversations with people who really get it.

20. Your chance to show what you've been doing to someone who might help your work grow and reach new audiences.

21. To understand what's happening in the renewable energy industry with the people who are making it happen.

22. Because businesses and personal economies must change in a world of resource declines, and we can suggest ways to make those changes gracefully.

23. To see The Oil Drum's best - Dave Murphy, Gail Tverberg, Art Berman - all together talking about our oil picture.

24. Because in a plummeting economy, we all have to figure out together how to move forward. What's should you do next? You can ask your questions of Jeff Rubin, Nicole Foss, Chris Martenson and others!

25. To hear all the latest peak oil jokes (What, you didn't know there were peak oil jokes?)

26. To find out which politicians and leaders want to know more about this and are sending their aides - or coming themselves - to get the real energy story.

27, To not only meet that speaker you've always wanted to meet, but drink a beer with her/him.

28. To hear the latest update on reserves straight from Chris Skrebowski's and Jean Laherrere's lips.

29. To bring ideas for localized responses from Aaron Newton, Naomi Davis and John Greer home to build new local resilience.

30. To hear the funniest presentation ever about the end of your way of life, given by Dmitry Orlov.

31. To come together with other teachers at all levels to talk about building a national peak oil education movement.

32. To stand with us on one of the most critical issues of our time.

33. To meet new people who are fighting the same battles you are.

34. To be part of ASPO-USA and to help move Peak Oil into the mainstream.

35. To see, hear, meet and talk with the most amazing collection of energy, environmental and economic experts you'll ever see in one place.

There are at least another 35 good reasons I don't have time to list!
Early registration ends October 7 - please come if you can, and sign up now - we really need you there to lend your voice!

Hope to see you there,


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I will be there, for the second time! I'm excited.

Will Nicole Foss be there again this year? I don't see her name listed yet on the conference website.

I'm excited about hearing William Catton speak. And I'm excited that Thursday morning sessions will take place in the Congressional Auditorium of the U.S. Capitol. That's really neat.

By energycrunch (not verified) on 23 Sep 2011 #permalink

Yup. The details just got settled, Nicole is speaking Friday.


I saw the last one that was here in Denver. It was easily the best money I ever spent for a conference and it convinced me to become a paying member of ASPO. Alas, the trip out to D.C. is problematic, but if there is a DVD summary later I'll certainly get that.

I can't recommend this conference enough.

Sounds like a good time, as well as productive, will be had by all!

Safe travels to you and may the conference be productive.

peace, shamba

O that I could attend! But funds and timing both conspire against that. #15 is totally my reason to attend... geeky heaven.

Just kidding about only 15, though... I'd really love to be able to participate in person in the conversations. Safe travels, friend!

I had all but decided I would attend...discussed with my husband, looked up the hotel, and Tentavely requested the 3 days off from work. My boss' response was gutting---a glib " no." Thats corporate life. I could say more, but it would be depressing and morose. I get a whole 2 weeks of vacation a year, as most americans, but taking those days sometimes can prove difficult. Beggars arent choosers, so there is nothing I can do, but sulk like a child in the corner.
I will take it as a good reminder of why I send every spare dollar to paying off my mortgage. When my debts are paid, my indentured servitude will be over, and I can get on with the business of living a fulfilling life.

I wish I could go, but it's too far from BC, Canada. I hope you have a great time, and both learn and teach many things.

Off topic, I just want to say how much I enjoy your writing, especially the emphasis on things ordinary people without large amounts of money can do. I get a little tired of the emphasis in some parts of the peak oil community on what to invest in. I'm having enough trouble finding work! But I can grow food, mend clothing and find creative ways to live better with what I have. Your blog has been an inspiration. Thank you.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 24 Sep 2011 #permalink

Since there are a lot of folks who can't make it and would really like to, would you and a few other awesome people consider holding a videoconference debriefing afterward? I really would be interested in learning from what is shared at the conference, but I definitely can't afford to goâand I'm not sure flying from California is wisest, either.

For those who feel that flying is the best option at this time, please consider a wise and fairly priced matching investment in offsetting your carbon footprint with:

I attended last year's ASPO conference and loved it. Got to meet Sharon, and nearly got to make eye contact with John Michael Greer even though I was breathing down his neck.

A good day to everyone.

By OneSingleGal (not verified) on 26 Sep 2011 #permalink