Imediate Existential Issues

M4 or M5?
That is the question.


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M4 is closer. Orbits are made for observin'

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

M5, it's a more interesting object.

Observin'?! Observin'?!
Go wash your mouth out. Although your superior3 will appreciate the answer.

I've driven the M4 more times than I care to for now, the M5 is to be avoided, and for Leica's you want the lower M(anual) models, of course.

Nut and bolts? I'm a theorist, darnit.

M4 is actually far more interesting right now, and further behind in what needs done.
But M5 is almost done and only needs a bit from me to get wrapped up, I hope.

Jan. 26 is not far away. Some of us have one track minds.

I have seen my superior3 once this quarter. The man is busy.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 12 Dec 2006 #permalink

Ah yes. Well we already have good M5 data, which some hardworking postdoc has now analysed and modeled, and merely needs pontification.

We also have very good M4 data, and more in the pipeline, and it is ever so interesting,
but clearly requires actual quiet time to think and compute. And my code was on my laptop, for some obscure reason (well no $$$ at a critical time) my desktop does not have a decent compiler but my laptop did.

I think it will be optimal to rapidly wrap up M5 and then spend serious time on M4 (hm maybe then revisit M3!?, no did that already, higher M numbers next I think).

I'll make sure sup3 actually shows up for at least two coffees next term.
He will need the intellectual stimulation by then!

Sup3 certainly needs intellectual stimulation (and coffee), and strongly supports Brad's excellent recommendation. Come visit!