KITP: high z star formation and clusters

we have our usual triplet of people talking about recent research on some theme

today we do first stars to first clusters

as usual these have video and podcasts for the hard core to enjoy

Matt on first stars - molecular association rates, accretion time scales onto protostars and reheating and shock dissociation of molecules, pre-enrichment and pop II.9 star formation
random recent reference

and Evan on Compact Stellar Clusters from galaxy outflows
random recent reference

oops coffee break, quick, before the String Theorists Eat All Our Cookies

and Loren on archaeology of merger remnants
random recent reference

Ok, another challenge - if we look at globular clusters and separate them into the blue and reds:

a) does O/Fe decrease as you go to higher [Z]

b) any information of s-process abundance on the main sequence as a function of [Z]

like this but for an ensemble of clusters, please, and probing down to the main sequence to avoid dredge up confounding...

this also looks useful

I ought to know this, I know I have seen this, but my brain is full.

References please.


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