small earthquake in Iceland, no damage reported

magnitude 4.7 earthquake in the southwest of Iceland

in Svartsengi, near the Blue Lagoon,
moderately close to Reykjavík

Svartsengifell is part of a row of volcanic craters on the southwest spur of the Atlantic rift.
The area went through intense series of eruptions about 1,000 years ago, which came to a halt in 1227 - research suggests the eruptions cycle with a periodicity of about 1,000 years, so resumption of eruptions is expected on timescale of 1-3 centuries.

historical eruptions in the southwest of Iceland

from - some awesome pictures of the lava formations at the path above

This makes the the series of small aftershocks potentially interesting.
Last thing Iceland would need now is a resumption of fissure eruptions that close to the capital.

lave field by Svartsengi (click to embiggen)



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Nice try with the disinformation, buddy. But you can't fool us. We know that this is part of the Icelandic clandestine nuclear weapons program...

That's the unexplained shaking under the big ice cap in the southEAST...
Wait, I wasn't supposed to tell you that...

Actually the shaking is continuing, and moving, and residents have been cautioned to expect over magnitude 5 shakes and closer to town.

Local geologist insists this is not signature of an eruption, just frscture quakes on the rift - don't know if they say that because the epicenters are deep, or if the waveform is distinct enough the can tell it is not magma flowing.