You are cordially invited...

i-02859d747eff34679bae94ecc371b220-commentmartini.jpgPlease join us!


  • Readers, commenters, and bloggers alike... anyone who likes to hang out, have a drink, and chat about science, life, and chaos... in other words, you!


  • ScienceBlogs 1,000,000 Comments Party and Chaotic Utopia’s Back-to-Blogging Cocktail Party


  • September 28th, 2008 4-6pm


  • Karmen’s suburban town home/loft (located halfway between Denver and Boulder, Colorado)


  • RSVP, either by email (to karmen [at sign thingy] chaotic utopia [dot thingy] com [minus spaces and brackets and nonsense]) or by the comments below. (If you RSVP via the comments, please use a valid e-mail address so I can get the directions to you promptly.)


  • If you haven’t heard, ScienceBlogs is about to hit the 1,000,000 comment mark, which is a pretty big deal. I doubt any of us would post our writings here if it weren’t for all of you readers and commenters. So, as a way of saying "Thank You!", science bloggers around the world are throwing parties. If you can’t join us here in the Rockies, be sure to see if there is a party near you.
  • You might have also noticed that I’ve returned to blogging. (Yay!) I "completed" my remodel; that is to say, I’m pretty satisfied with the way it turned out. Since many of you stuck with me as I labored through everything this summer, it’s only fair to invite you over to come check it out.


  • By leaving a comment anywhere on ScienceBlogs, you’ll be automatically entered into our 1,000,000 comments contest. You could win a trip to New York with your favorite blogger. (Hello!) So, please, if you’re lurking out there, feel free to sneak in, just this once, and say hi, even if you can’t make it to a party.

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Hi Karmen,
I was just going down the list of happenings in celebration of the Comment Event, and was thinking, "geez, why not something in Colorado?" and there was your invite. I can't make the party, but I'm glad you're making the effort to host it.
Congrats on being done with the remodel.


Everyone has to be juuuuuuust out of reach for me on these events.