Library parody of the Old Spice ads - this is hilarious

Via Jason P on friendfeed

BTW - the Old Spice videos over the last couple of days were an amazing marketing feat. To create that kind of buzz. See more on Read/Write Web.


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This was wonderful!

Stumbled from Moldova!

marketing genius.


This was awesome until he said "Libary"

By grammar police (not verified) on 16 Jul 2010 #permalink

Lol Harold B. Lee was a President of the Mormon Church......

love that this video is from BYU! that's where i'm going in the fall

Yes, he said bucket loads. If he used the f* word I am pretty sure he'd escorted off BYU property and told to never come back. BYU has a strict honor code.

As a Utahn and a non-Mormon I think the honor code is ridiculous, but no one is forced to go there.

Awesome, funny, and creative spoof, however.

The "Hyah" is what kills me. I am dead.

Excellent work.

Two of us in the same office both said, "Did he just use the F-word?" Another colleague laughed at us and said, "that was BUCKET LOADS." I'm kinda glad we weren't the only ones who misheard... It's an excellent video with great editing! Very smooth

Except [this commenter doesn't approve of the LDS church- ckp]

Stumbled from California

that was great, makes me want to study for once.

lol good stuff.

I love this! I've seen the Old Spice commercial popping up everywhere. Happy to see a library spoof of it. :]

I agree with yoballs, definitely fake!!

its not fake, it was a viral marketing thang to fuel a new public image for Old Spice.
also, he said "bucketloads", just like 8 out of 5 dentists would have. lol

By dleerious (not verified) on 16 Jul 2010 #permalink

Bucket loads

Good thing Sam would never go there - BYU deserves better.

Stumbled Upon in Oregon.

I was in that library today, never knew it had a snack zone....

This is an exact clone of the old spice commercial. How is it funny? If they were making fun of the commercials, I guess I would get it. It's like when those Wassup Budweiser commercials came out.

Stumbled from Australia! Hilarious Parody! Will totally pass it on!

Stumbled from New York!

tht was brilliant

To those who called it fake... obviously you cannot fucking read,
"Library parody of the Old Spice ads - this is hilarious"

Key word in sentence: "parody"

great clip ! thumbs up from Berlin

stumbled from South Africa

Haha, this is pretty awesome watching people argue about the commercial. I wrote and shot this commercial and never expected it to go viral. Thanks everyone.

@yoballs yoballs are fake?

Thanks for the comment - it's very well done and he's very talented.

@braff & co.

ya'll commenting on a troll post

@Preston- It's "bucketloads", O Smart One.

By Sophia P. (not verified) on 18 Jul 2010 #permalink

This librarian heartily approves!

look up, look down, where are you?
You're in the library with the man your grades could be like!

oh yeah. look at your backpack - it's diamonds!
i'm eating a horse. in the library.