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You Passed 8th Grade Science

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Watch out! One question has a correct answer and a MORE correct answer, and in another question they meant "neutron", not "neuron".

(Hat-tip: John Lynch)


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The hereditary information of an individual isn't located in the nuclues, which was my reason for choosing the more specific answer.

Yup, I was thinking about the tides primarily, although the nucleus vs. chromosome, and to some extent the ski question are also ambiguous.

I hoped you also gave the right answer for the neron question: ~-74mV

By natural cynic (not verified) on 29 Jul 2006 #permalink

They meant "neutron" for sure.

And there and neurons and there are neurons - the resting membrane potential varies and in most neurons is somewhere around -60 to -80mV. The textbook number that everyone quotes is from the original work on the squid giant neuron. Why would one expect anything in biology to be so clear-cut as to demand that every neuron in every body in every species has the same potential?