King Kong

I finally saw the newest 'King Kong' (thanks to Netflix). Not much new to say. We fixed lots of popcorn and big glasses of Coke, sat back and enjoyed the special effects without any expectation that anything in the movie will make sense - which it didn't. Thus, it was great fun.

In a way I am glad I did not see this on a big screen - this movie is not for people with a fear of hights! Even on a small screen some scenes made me dizzy.


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And so you condone the implicit racist message of this film.

By Ian Findlay (not verified) on 14 Sep 2006 #permalink

Oh no, and it's not that implicit either. It's a remake of a 1930s movie with all of its stupidity. That does not make the stempedoing dinosaurs any less fun to watch.

I'm glad to know that there is at least one other person whose fear of heights can show up while watching a movie.