Biology In Science Fiction

I just discovered (on my Sitemeter referrals list!) a cool new blog - Biology In Science Fiction. Several good posts so far. Go check it out!

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Sweet! I've bookmarked it.

By afarensis (not verified) on 07 Oct 2006 #permalink

Yummy. But. You need to be willing to start an account at Blogspot before you can leave encouraging noises...and some of us decided that an economic downtown was the perfect time to switch fields and go back to school for another degree. And are too tired to keep up. With much.

Thanks for the plug! I'm using the blog as an excuse to browse the bookstore and watch old episodes of Star Trek. My target is a couple of posts a week (I don't know how you manage to get quality posts up every day).

Oh, and thank you Tree for pointing out the commenting problem - I fixed the settings so anyone can comment.