Science Books

Douglas Erwin reviews "The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution" by Sean B. Carroll.

Wallace Arthur talks about his favourite books.


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This is off topic, Cotournix, but since you've blogged about the NSTA controversy, let me share this with you. I felt I needed to bring this to the attention of a bigger blogger than me.

I received an EMail this evening from Jon Coifman, of the Natural Resources Defense Council regarding some new developments.

It reads, in part...

Among other things, it now turns out that although NSTA cited a no-endorsements policy for the global warming film, had no problem shipping at least 20,000 copies of a ConocoPhillips video series. It also looks like some of the things they said in their own defense aren�t adding up.

I at first thought it was just a form letter, because it mentions that I had blogged about the issue before, but wasn't very specific about my blog post.

I have now exchanged several EMails with Mr. Coifman, so it wasn't just spam.

I've posted the EMail in its entirety at my blog, UDreamOfJanie.

Please feel free to repost as you feel appropriate.

I understand your hesitance, as I too went off half-cocked after Ms. David's first op-ed.

There are a lot of accusations flying, and it's hard to tell exactly what's going on.

But since I blogged on the op-ed, then blogged on the rebuttal from the NSTA, then the changes in the NSTA response, I felt I should also blog about the "re-direct" as it were.

Anyways, I love your blog, and beings that you're a fellow NC blogger, and a much more high-profile one, I wanted to pass it on to you.

Thanks for the Wallace Arthur link. I loved his book, "Biased Embryos" but have just finished reading "Creatures of Accident" and feel quite disappointed by it. I guess the book just wasn't written for me. I'm looking forward to making a start on "The Making of the Fittest" next. Man, these evo-devo folks can write and publish books faster than I can read them.