Cartoon Guide to Scienceblogs

Next issue of the Seed Magazine will have an article about You can see a composite cartoon of all of us (without, unfortunately, our most recent additions) here. We look funny, don't we? Quiz: find Grrrl and Orac in the picture - how long did it take you? It took me forever!


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Found Orac right away (along with Wilkins and Tara). You, however took a litte longer. Of course, once I found you, I was kicking myself for not finding you earlier.

I found Orac right off. Took me awhile to find Grrrl. I guess that makes Shelly Athena, the goddess of Wisdom...

By afarensis (not verified) on 16 Dec 2006 #permalink

I was too snobby at the time it ran - all my friends watched it but I did not. I looked for your face first and only when I realized that Grrrl is Hedwing The Owl, i.e., that some people are not represented as people, I found Orac.

Grrl I found right off; Orac took a long time. It took me almost as long to find you; I think I thought you'd be smiling more!

I recognized Orac right away, but I was looking for a parrot (or is it a lorie?) for Grrl.