I will mirror this post on the Science Blogging Conference homepage. Let me know if I missed you (i.e., if you ever mentioned or intend to mention the conference on your blog). This will be updated until everyone is exhausted! Because it is going to be so long, I'll keep most of it under the fold (click on "Read more..."):
Pre-History of the Idea:
Science And Politics: Science BloggerCon?
BlogTogether: Gearing up for fall blogging events
A Blog Around The Clock: Blogging in The Triangle, NC
A Blog Around The Clock: Science Blogging - what it can be
The Announcement:
A Blog Around The Clock: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference
BlogTogether: Triangle Science Blogging Conference 2007
Mistersugar: A BlogTogether Event
Pre-Conference Blogging:
BlogTogether: NCSBC notes 10/4/2006
BlogTogether: NCSBC notes 10/5/2006
A Blog Around The Clock: 2007 Triangle Blogging Conference - what you can do
A Blog Around The Clock: Science Blogging Conference Update
A Blog Around The Clock: Conference update
A Blog Around The Clock: Science Blogging Conference Update
A Blog Around The Clock: We are full!
A Blog Around The Clock: Crunch Time
A Blog Around The Clock: The Science Blogging Anthology - the Great Unveiling!
Cosmic Variance: Things You Should Read On the Internet
Page 3.14: Are YOU Going to the North Carolina ScienceBlogging Conference?
Pimm: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference, January, 2007
Notes from the biomass: links for 2006-11-03
Forum za blogere: Konferencija
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Helping you plan your January 2007
The Blogging JournalistThe North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: The Science Blogging Anthology
Easternblot: Triangle Science Blogging Conference
Quantum of Wantum: Science Bloggins in teh Ole North State
Science!: 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Cognitive Daily: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Down to Earth: Science Blogging Conference
revenews' SEM and PPC Coverage: the Triangle Science Blogging Conference
Jackson Fox: Triangle Science Blogging Conference
Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog: Science Blogging Conference in NC
The pig speaks: Science blogging conference
Migrations: Science blogging conference
Emergiblog: Change of Shift Goes On the Road/Science Blogging Conference
Genetics and Health: Science Blogging Conference in North Carolina
The Real Paul Jones: Science Blogging Conference gets closer
Biotechnologist2020: Science blogging conference at North carolina
Science Communication: Science blogging conference
Belgrade and Beyond: Let's Blog Together and LIFT!
10000birds: Science Bloggers Unite
2 Cents Worth: NC Science Blogging Conference
Easternblot: Science Blogging Conference
EdCone.com: Science blogcon
Hot Cup of Joe: The North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
The Panda's Thumb: Science Blogging Conference
Science And Politics: Science Blogging Anthology is here!
i-Science: Gratuitous Linking
Nature blogs: Peer-to-Peer: Comment 1 (Peer to Peer is welcomed)
Concealed Position: || CaseCamp.org - Compelling Bag of Tricks ||
A k8, a cat, a mission: Science blogging conference update
Archaeoastronomy: The best Archaeology posts?
BlueNC: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
The Real Paul Jones: Science Blogging - One week out!
East Coast Blogging: Event: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Blogging Roller: 19 days until the NC Science Blogging Conference
Scientific Assessment: Science Blogging Anthology is here!
Tales from the Microbial Laboratory: A Misc. Second Day in 2007
Daily Kos: Open Science Thread
Easternblot: Science Blogging Conference
Witches and scientists: Woowhooo...Science Blog Con
BlogTogether: NC Science Blogging Conference news
Yan Feng: Science blogger conference
Bootstrap analysis: The little farter makes the cut
Ideas Man: Science Blogs Reviewed - the A's
Nonoscience: Science Blogging Anthology Blook
Uncertain Principles: Best of Science Blogging
BlogTogether: NC Science Blogging Conference notes
Adventures in Ethics and Science: I've written my talk!
NCSU PHYSICAL & ENGINEERING SCIENCES NEWS: 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Carolina Blog Consultants: Science Blogging Anthology is here!
RSS and Blogs: Bloggers To Gather at UNC To Discuss Using Web To Boost Science ...
Sandwalk: SBC - NC'07
Bibliotan: Wissenschaftliche Blogs Konferenz
BlogTogether: NCSBC notes: fundraising help needed
Tutoriumsblog: The North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Yesh: What Conferences do you want to go to?
Are Science Blogs Really About Science?
Christina's LIS Rant: My plans for the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Archy: I'm published The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science ...
Element List: Booked: See You Saturday at UNC Chapel Hill
Idea Consultants: Science Blogging Anthology is here!
BlogTogether: NCSBC notes: less 2 weeks to go
The Third Bit: The Open Laboratory
The Real Paul Jones: Science Blogging Anthology is now available!
Science!: 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Scientia Est Potentia: 2006 Science Blogging Anthology
Confessions of a Science Librarian: Science Blogging Anthology 2006
Confessions of a Science Librarian: The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006
Creek Running North: Of course this happens just as I have to stop spending money
The Liberal Coalition: Science Blogging Anthology is here!
Pharyngula: Victory is sweet
Yesh: Science Bloggers Publish Book - The Open Laboratory
Drexel CoAS E-Learning: Science Blogging Conference in 3 Days
Utenzi: blogging and science
Useful Chemistry: Science Blogging Conference in 3 Days
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Even at a conference, you've got to eat!
Sandwalk: Even at a conference, you've got to eat!
Sandwalk: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The Real Paul Jones: Coming soon: Science Bloggers and Duke Tech Tuesdays
Science And Politics: Science Blogging Conference Update
Yesh: Science Bloggers Publish Book - The Open Laboratory
A Blog Around The Clock: Final notes on the Science Blogging Conference and Anthology
BlogTogether: NCSBC notes: volunteers needed
Mistersugar: Critical mass for NCSBC
American Council on Science and Health: How Not to Improve Food Safety (and How to Blog About Science)
Belgrade and Beyond: We're blogging, blogging...and I hope you like blogging too
January 18th:
Mistersugar: Snow is falling
2 Cents Worth: Checking In
Audio Blogging: External: Final notes on the Science Blogging Conference and Anthology
Quantum Monte Carlo: Science Blogging Conference
Lab Cat: Science Blogging Conference - 2 days
The Olive Ridley Crawl: NC Science Blogging Conference
RKnop: Off to the NC Science Blogging Conference
Galactic Interactions: Off to the NC Science Blogging Conference
Burst Blog: Science Blogging Conference
Random Ramblings: NC Science Blogging Conference
Genetics and Health: Science, science, and more science
Cognitive Daily: February 5 to 11 is 'Just Science' week
UDreamOfJanie: 2007 NC Science Blogging Conference
Orange Politics: NC Science Blogging Conference this Saturday
WRAL.com, TechTalk blog: Triangle Hosting a Science Bloggers Conference This Weekend
A Blog Around The Clock: SBC - NC'07: Skills Session
A Blog Around The Clock: What we did tonight....
Yesh: NCSBC Pre-conference skills session
January 19th:
NPR Marketplace: (text) and (audio: starts at minute 2:59)
The Panda's Thumb: Science Blogging Conference
East Coast Blogging: Reminder: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
The Real Paul Jones: Bora and Science Bloggers Conference on NPR
Thus Spake Zuska: Off To See The...Blogger Wizards in North Carolina!
Crowded Head, Cozy Bed: 2007 NC Science Blogging Conference
Exile on Jones Street: Power play
Mistersugar: The conference is here!
Lab Cat: Yarn Shopping - Chapel Hill, NC
A Blog Around The Clock: Dinner Tonight
A Blog Around The Clock: Dinner
Jikomboe: Science Blogging Conference + Blawgs...
The Science Pundit: The Science Blogging Anthology
Adventures in Ethics and Science: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference 2007 -- Friday dinner
Sandwalk: Dinner in Chapel Hill
SciBos - Corie Lok's blog: The best science blogging of 2006-Harvard blogger included!
UDreamOfJanie: Holy Crap! It Snuck Up On Me!
Kissing Corporal Kate: Quickly Spin The Hands Of Time
January 20th Liveblogging:
Adventures in Ethics and Science: SBC 2007 -- links to slide sources
Sandwalk: Liveblogging from the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Sandwalk: How Do We Engage the Public on Science?
Sandwalk: Janet D. Stemwedel
Sandwalk: Teaching Science
2 Cents Worth: Back in Chapel Hill for Another BloggerCon
2 Cents Worth: NC Science Blogging Conference
2 Cents Worth: Adventures in Science Blogging
2 Cents Worth: Open Source/Open Notebook Science
2 Cents Worth: Teaching Science
This old porch: Science blogging conference today
Galactic Interactions: Live blogging live!
Galactic Interactions: The Internet and the Global Spread of Ignorance
Badgerblog: Sciblogging
The Real Paul Jones: At the Science Bloggers Conference
Richard Lane: Marmite and other matters
Confessions of a Science Librarian: Science Blogging Conference live blogging
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Blogging Conference: Post 1
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Blogging Conference: Post 2
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Blogging Conference: Post 3
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Blogging Conference: Post 4
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Blogging Conference Group Dinner
Lab Cat: Blogging Conference starts...
Lab Cat: Illustrating your Blog
Lab Cat: Teaching Science
Slideshare: Open Source/OpenNotebook slides
Links to Pictures, Podcasts and Videos:
Technorati pictures: sciencebloggingconference tag
Flickr photos: sciencebloggingconference tag
A Blog Around The Clock: Conference Pictures 1 - Friday dinner
A Blog Around The Clock: Conference Pictures 2 - Saturday morning
Drexel CoAS talks mp3 podcast: NC Science Blogging Conference (vodcast)
Audio of Dr.Willard's talk is here
Slides of Dr.Stemwedel's talk are here
Yesh: Audio from Hunt Willard's talk at NCSB Con 2007
Lab Cat: SBC photos Part 1 no commentary
Lab Cat: SBC photos Part 2 no commentary
Post-Conference Blogging:
A Blog Around The Clock: Back from the Conference
A Blog Around The Clock: The Sci Blog Conference article in Raleigh News & Observer is now online
Adventures in Ethics and Science: SBC 2007 -- questions in the air
Element List: Blog, Blog, Wiki, Meta, Blog, Search, Blog, Google, Blog
2 Cents Worth: Reflections on Science Blogging Conference
The Real Paul Jones: Post-Science Blogging Conference - Bora-mania contiunes unabated
Utenzi Blog: Science blogging conference
Boing Boing: Big factory pig farms are some of America's worst polluters
The Scientist (blog): Zerhouni for a day?
x28's new Blog: Science Blogging
The Olive Ridley Crawl: Thanks!
SciBos - Corie Lok's blog: The North Carolina Science Blogging conference-part 1
The Blogging Journalist: The North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
BlueNC: Weekend Wound Up
The Southern Dem: Science Blogging Conference Review
Confessions of a Science Librarian: Teaching blogging
The Countess: Science Blogging
iTeau's Dirt: NC Science Blogging Conference
Mistersugar: Conference wrapup
Open Reading Frame: Best. Conference. Ever.
Archy: A completely selfish plea
21st Century Educator: School 2.0 Project
Seriously Wired: 2 Cents Worth » Reflections on Science Blogging Conference
The Thinking Stick: Just how popular is blogging?
BBGM: Things I noticed #20
Red State Rabble: Monday, January 22, 2007
ScienzTeachr: NC Science Blogging Conference - Teacher Resource
Life In The Fast Lane: NC Science Blogger Conference
The Junk EduBlog: NC Science Blogging Conference - Teacher Resource
Epigenetics News: Monday Morning Carnivals and Links
Ed Cone: Sciblogcon
Genome Technology Online: You Can't Buy Publicity Like This
Confessions of a Science Librarian: Teaching blogging
Drexel CoAS E-Learning: Back from Science Blogging Conference
Nature Newsblog: Science blogger Bora Zivkovic
The Real Paul Jones: Bora-mania in Nature and Seed
BlueNC: Science Blogging Conference Review
Terra Sigillata: Science blogging conference
SciBos - Corie Lok's blog: North Carolina Science Blogging Conference-pt 2-how blogging saved one man's science career
ScienzTeachr- Classroom III: Adventures in Teacher Blogging
Adventures in Ethics and Science: SBC 2007 -- photographic evidence
Lab Cat: Science Blogging Conference - After Conference Thoughts
Easternblot: Traveling by Murphy's Law
U Tech Tips: Utecht's Daily Links 01/22/2007
Thus Spake Zuska: 2007 NC Science Conference and Blogroll Update
The Pump Handle: Science Blogging Conference: Science Blogs Meet Science Tradition
A Blog Around The Clock: Some audio and video from the conference
Easternblot: Science Blogging Conference visuals
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Science Blogging Conference
Element List: Share Scientific Data on Swivel
Health Editor's Blog: Notes on the Blogging Conference
Sandwalk: Teaching Ethics in Science: Science v Technology
Stafflines: Blogs a force for good?
RobertReddick.com: Can bloggers help Dr. Willard find his Tang?
Science!: Why Are You Here?
Bayblab: Science blogger a career?
Jill's World: Reaction: A mixed bouquet
Sandwalk: How to Fix NIH and NSF
Mad Scientist: What I think a lot of us know to some extent...
Thus Spake Zuska: A Word From Our Sponsors
Ed Cone: Boramania
Thus Spake Zuska: NC Science, Mathematics & Technology Education Center Is Cool!
Blogtogether: Conference thank you
Mistersugar: Conference thank you
Easternblot: Inkling write-up, and interview
A Blog Around The Clock: Radio, blogs and The Book
A Blog Around The Clock: BREAKING: Democrats Form New Science Subcommittee
A Blog Around The Clock: Anton's summary of the Conference
A Blog Around The Clock: A really nice write-up about the Conference
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: New House Science Subcommittee
Thus Spake Zuska: 'Conversations We Need To Have'
Ethical Issues in Science
Teaching about ethics and other sources of controversy in science class
Teaching Ethics in Science: Science v Technology
Is 'what is this good for?' a question to be discouraged?
BANR: Science Blogs
Thus Spake Zuska: Because It's Silly
Eva: Science Blogging Conference
Sandwalk: Eva Amsen's Cocktail Recipe
Thus Spake Zuska: Scientists and the Public - What's Our Responsibility?
Mad Scientist: What I think a lot of us know to some extent...
Pennsylvania Citizens for Science: Another book for your reading list
The Real Paul Jones: Science Blogging Conference Wrap-UP
Blog PhDs: Getting Research Ideas
Drexel CoAS E-Learning: Open Science going Mainstream?
Cognitive Daily: Research ethics, bloggers, and 'the public'
Thus Spake Zuska: 'Conversations About The Tribe'
Vetenskapsnytt: Blir bloggare bättre forskare?
Blogging Roller: Science blogging
KoBSON: 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Konferencija
SaÅ¡a RadojÄiÄ: NauÄno blogovanje
Random Ramblings: Been Awhile
Ideonexus: 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference
Thus Spake Zuska: The Joy of Science
Sandwalk: Science blogger Bora Zivkovic
Daily Kos (darksyde): Daily Kos" target="_blank" title="">Kos Open Science Thread
The Real Paul Jones: Bora-mania -- the interview
Uma Malla pelo mundo: Pequenas anotações de viagens virtuais 17
Belgrade and Beyond: Science blogger for primer
Working With Words: The Case Wiki
2¢ Worth: Take it away! Take it All Away!
A Blog Around The Clock: Network-like Mode of Thinking
Burst Blog: 2007 Science Blogging Conference
Sun Tech: Dave Johnson: Science blogging
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Keeping score in academe: blogging as "professional activity" (or not)
Giant Flighteless Bird: Science Blogging Conference
Media Mentions:
NPR Marketplace: Can blogs make science cool?
Raleigh News & Observer: Discovery finds its way a click at a time
Charleston (SC) Post and Courier: Scientists hope blogging brings discoveries to the masses
Nature: Science blogger Bora Zivkovic
Seed Magazine: Seed's Daily Zeitgeist: 1/23/2007
Houston Chronicle: Scientists hope blogging boosts public's interest
Inkling Magazine: Science Bloggers Avoid the Spinach Dip Brush-Off
Asheville Community Radio and the Brainshrub blog: Interview with Bora Zivkovic of Scienceblogs.com/clock (audio)
Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
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Bora, this is astounding. Thanks for making the effort to collect and list all these links.
The Charleston Post and Courier link is broken.