All the cool folks are doing it....

I am:
Robert A. Heinlein

Beginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers.

Which science fiction writer are you?


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Ouch! You mean you're an egotistical and misogynistic Randian? I would have put you closer to Stapleton or Lem.

Myself, I got Gregory Benford. I can live with that.

I should have been in a better mood when I took the test. I was hoping for Stapledon or Benford, or perhaps Brin or Bear, though I would have certainly loved to have gotten LeGuin or Butler...

I got Asimov. Always liked Asimov, not so much his stories, which were sometimes really good, but him. If more people were like him, I think the world would be a better place.

Now Leguin would be ideal as far as writing and ideas go, and seems to be a nice person. Liked some of Heinlein, and did see his house after he died and the realtor had an open house so locals could come have a look and not make phoney appointments just to check it out. Small but nice design (he had trouble getting around and it was built for that).