Who will challenge Elizabeth Dole?

Its' early in the process, and many are reluctant so far....but, one person said he'd consider it (you can still recommend that Diary if you wish) - Rep.Brad Miller (D - NC13). I hope he does. If he does, I'll knock doors for him. Why?

He's a blogger. And he chairs the new House Committee on Science and Technology, with subpoena power.

He came to the Science Blogging Conference in January and is the person that every Democrat, every North Carolinian, every blogger and every scientist should want to see move from the House to the Senate and, in the process, oust Sen.Dole from politics. Oh, and he is a really nice guy, too.

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Thank You for the link to my diary. What I said at dailykos was:
"we always talk about the war on science, well, lets elect someone who can fight for us in that war."

He's one of the most pro-science politicians in the country today and he believes in people-power. He's also my Congressman. I'd love to help him achieve higher office.

I not only asked Brad but also made the case for his run at the SciBlog conference. I told him I'd be the first donor to his Miller for a Sensible Senate campaign. I agree, a great choice to lead us from the mire of war and to put science back at the forefront of science policy.