Science+Art+Technology+Media - meetings around the World

There were already two Science Foo Camps (in summers of 2006 and 2007) and two Science Blogging Conferences (in winters of 2007 and 2008).

But the hunger for such meetings is far from satiated. So, if you have time and money and can travel, you can choose to attend the SciBarCamp on March 15-16, 2008, where Eva is one of the organizers and Larry will be there.

Or you can go to the International Science Media Fair in Trieste on April 16-20, 2008. I'll be there, on two panels, one about Open Access, another on Science Blogging.

Or, a little later, you can attend the World Science Festival in NYC on May 28 - June 1, 2008.

Northeast US, Southeast US, California, Canada, Europe - not bad for geographic distribution for now, don't you think?

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