Three years ago it was a big round number.
This year, it's the Google logo:
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Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
Since I changed my profile photo, the ideas for radical revision of the site have come pouring in. Here's a possible new logo:
What do you think? I thought it was keen, until I read all the new speculation about why I was kicked out of a movie theater. Oh, no!
In the same freakishly weird spirit,…
I'm not much of a baseball fan, but we're edging our way toward football season, so I flipped to ESPN radio a couple of days ago, in time to hear Mike and Mike discussing Jim Thome's 600th home run. They were questioning how much meaning we should attach to home run records any more, given how many…
I was three years ago one of those involved in official celebration of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. We made at the Republic Square in Belgrade a computer cluster driven of course by Free software GNU/Linux and showed on huge screen visualizations of various molecules. Citizens have had an opportunity to see how cluster works, get free CDs of cluster and scientific software. Our cluster exchanged calculations between computers via wireless network since Nikola Tesla was pioneer in wireless communications.
I think that all we owe a lot to such a great mind as Nikola Tesla.