Ask a ScienceBlogger, Second Generation

Those of you who were reading two or three or four years ago may remember a feature we had here called "Ask a ScienceBlogger", in which a question, chosen by the Overlords out of thousands of your suggestions, is posed to all of us here on the network and several of us who wanted to participate in answering that particular question would post our answers almost simultaneously, on the same day, each post sporting the same icon and each post being mildly edited by our Overlords (usually just checking spelling and such).

You can see the archives of these posts here. They were loads of fun for us and for the readers, with each one of us bringing a very different angle and perspective and expertise to each question.

Now we are starting this feature again. The Overlords explain the process so you can start sending in your questions for them to choose from:

Whatever you've wondered, now is your chance to ask. ScienceBlogs is reinstating our former Ask a ScienceBlogger series, in which (you guessed it), you get to ask ScienceBloggers questions, and they answer them!

Once we have a database of questions, we'll choose one at a time to pose to our ScienceBloggers, and round up the answers for you here. They can be about anything you want, but of course the more interesting we find them, the more likely we are to choose them. ;-)

Go ahead and post your question as a comment here, or email it to And look for the first question soon!


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Bora, how are people who don't necessarily read scienceblogs learning about this? It sounds very VERY cool, but if I don't know about scienceblogs already, how do I know I even have the opportunity to ask?

Well, this is an internal thing, revived again after about a year or so of silence. It is targeted at regular Sb readers, but there is always hope that our links on social networks and feeds will bring in new readers as well. There is no special effort with this to bring in new readers - it is up to us bloggers to promote within and outside the network as we see fit.

Hi Bora,

This is a question I originally asked here:

Discussions of Circadian clocks usually refer to a clock period of around 24 hours. Is this the basic period of the timing device (molecular clock)? Or does the Clock consist of a device with a much smaller period coupled with a counter of some sort? Are counters involved in estimating periods of multiple day length (e.g. menstruation cycles)?
Humans at least appear to have abilities to estimate (if crudely) much smaller periods of time - an hour, a minute or even a second. What is the source of these abilities? From whence does the exquisite timing ability of expert musicians arise, for example?

Dr. Van Gooch made some interesting observations regarding the possibility of counters, but alas the second and more interesting query was left unanswered.

I could submit it to the ask a Sciblogger page, but given the subject matter, if not you then who? :-)

PS: Please also see my follow-up comment on that page and comment on the possibility of biological time keeping mechanisms that don't use the circadian bio-chemical mechanism.

best regards,

By Stagyar zil Doggo (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink