Why can't they do this on Meet The Press? (video)

Republican candidate for Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction and current State Senator John Huppenthal gets schooled by Tempe's Corona del Sol High School student journalist Keith Wagner during an interview about the state legislature's vote to cut career and technical education funding by 99.9%.


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He didn't even have the courage to end the interview, just wandered off, like he had to go to the bathroom or something.

By Snarkyxanf (not verified) on 20 Jun 2010 #permalink

Education is important!

I know so because it's one of the catch phrases that my campaign manager gave me to memorize!

That was terribly unfair. Politicians no longer have any defense mechanisms against reporters who do their homework (it's been such a long time since they've faced any). Someone should have warned the senator that the boy reporter would be tougher than a "real" reporter. No wonder he ran away. Bravely ran away.