Clock Quotes

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.

- Julia Child

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Don't get me wrong, I like to eat out. And what parent of many doesn't like the idea of food they don't have to cook and dishes they don't have to wash. At times restaurants and bakeries even may provide more energy efficiency than home cooking, especially in small households - one industrial…

The headache is a symptom so frequent that is almost impossible to affirm that someone should not have suffered from this inconvenience ever in your life. The headache or migraine is a symptom caused by some disease.

So that's when Julia Child drinks her favorite low calorie pepsico beverage!
That is to say: HEY BORA, when you will you weigh in on the "food frontiers" debacle?

Re llewelly;

I think that may have been it.