Casual Fridays: Sound and motion illusions

Today's study will explore how sound is related to perception of motion and illusions. We'll be examining a couple of different, really cool phenomena that may or may not be related.

If you've been reading CogDaily regularly, you might be familiar with some of the stimuli, but you won't have seen them combined in this way. It should be a lot of fun!

Perhaps most importantly, it doesn't matter what nationality you are; everyone should be on equal footing for this one as long as they have reasonably good hearing and vision.

Click here to participate

Since we didn't do a Casual Friday last week, we've got Survey Monkey credit to burn. Let's see if we can fill all 1,000 available slots!

As usual, the study is brief, with just 9 quick questions, so it should only take a minute of your time. You have until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, February 14 to participate -- or until we have 1,000 responses, whichever comes first. Then don't forget to come back next Friday for our analysis of the results!

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The quicktime movies weren't working for me, so I bailed out.

By Ben Hocking (not verified) on 09 Feb 2007 #permalink

Likewise. And I tried both in Firefox and Explorer. Don't know what the problem is - though the error message claims it requires software that can't be found on the QuickTime server.

I had the same problem.

By Katherine (not verified) on 09 Feb 2007 #permalink

I had the same problem

same here!

worked in safari...

Sorry it's not working for some of you... though we do now have 96 responses, so it looks like it's working for most people.

The only thing I can suggest is that you download the most recent version of Quicktime. There shouldn't be any additional software necessary.

It works under linux (firefox + mplayerplug-in).