Casual Friday postponed til Saturday

I'm not quite finished analyzing the data from last week's Casual Friday's study and I've got some personal business to attend to this afternoon, so I'm going to have to postpone my writeup of the results until tomorrow. Sorry!

One item of interest from today's results: Some commenters this morning wanted to know what percentage of our readers are Americans. Here's the breakdown based on this study (however I think it's quite possible that non-Americans weren't as interested in this study as usual):


So 78 percent of our readers are U.S. Citizens living in the U.S., and just 12 percent are non-citizen, non-U.S. residents.

However, for our geography quiz Casual Friday, about 30 percent of readers said they weren't from the US.

More like this

Maybe they were embarrassed.

By Neighborcat (not verified) on 05 Oct 2007 #permalink