ADHD Resource

I got an email that I almost deleted without reading, thinking for a moment that it would be spam. It turned out not to be. Since the author appears to be well-intentioned, I'll go ahead and post it here. He mentions some on-line resources regarding the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD.

Based upon the title of the email, I thought it was going to be one of those pitches for Internet drug sales. It is not. Instead, it promotes a site put up by an independent ADHD coach. Presumably, the main purpose is to promote his business. I have no particujlar objection to that. I have no reason to promote his business, either. The reason to post this is that he's pulled together a lot of information that could be helpful for people.

Hi Joseph,

I thought some of your readers might find this useful.

There's a website that has 22 separate extremely detailed documents to teach medical professionals to diagnose and treat ADHD medically in adults and children (although people with ADHD will also find some documents useful).

It also has 14 pages on ADHD medications and 3 pages on management medication-Induced side effects. It was created by a group of prominent child Psychiatrists and Pediatricians.

Even though it's called the Canadian ADHD Practice Guidelines 2006, it will be useful to people outside Canada. It was created by CADDRA, the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance, a national independent not-for-profit organization.

I blogged about it here.…

As an Adult ADHD coach who spends too much time on the net, I read and hear from far too many people across North America who suspect they might have ADHD, that their Doctor/Psychologist/Psychiatrist isn't knowledgeable enough about ADHD to give an accurate diagnosis (other conditions can look like ADHD). If a doctor hasn't been taught enough about ADHD to do so (unfortunately still a very common problem even in major North American cities), their patient can tell them about this site which will give them enough clinically accurate info they need to be able to diagnose and treat ADHD medically.

Of course medical treatment is only one aspect of ADHD treatment, to learn the skills and behavioral aspect, one might try ADHD coaching, therapy and ADHD support groups.


Pete Quily

Adult ADHD Coach




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So what is an ADHD coach? An ADHD coach is not a therapist. Rather, an ADHD coach is a person with some training and expereince in giving practical advice to a person with ADHD. Some people find it useful to have that kind of help.


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