Following in Mary Roshâs footsteps

There has been a flurry of bloggers pretending to be females. Via Jason Soon we have the exposure of Libertarian Girl, who was actually a guy. Another faker recently exposed was Hot Abercrombie Chick. And the winner of the NetGuide award for Best Personal Blog for 2004 was "Natalie Biz", who was really "James Guthrie, a Wellington man, happily married with children".

Libertarian Girl says that when he had a blog as himself, he got no links or comments, but by pretending to be a pretty girl he instantly got to have a popular blog. Now I don't think that means that bloggers are so completely shallow as to be mesmerized by a photo of a pretty girl, but it certainly demonstrates the advantage of good looks in attracting that initial attention.


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How many of the women professors at Harvard have been playing the same game?

What, the women professors at Harvard are really men?

It's kinda funny. I was the first to link to LG noting that the blog would be popular because she was a chick. Now, the accusations are that I am her.