No need to adjust your bookmarks

Links to the old blog should now get redirected to the appropriate entry here, so you don't have to adjust any bookmarks. Though it will load faster if you do adjust them.

After experimenting with several themes, I'm leaning towards adopting the current one. What do you think of it?

I've added a page on how to comment on this blog to the sidebar.


More like this

I like it, except the text's a bit small on several different browsers under Mac OS X. I particularly like the picture. Is that the tunnel under Sydney Harbour?

By Mark Barton (not verified) on 11 Jun 2005 #permalink

I dig it. I've been a fan of your blog for a while now, and the new look is a nice improvement. I feel like I need to wash up and put on a sport coat before I read it now, so maybe it'll have a positive effect on my professional life.

The clean, green, kiwifruit sorbet look? Soo refreshing :)

The font size is way too small. I have my default font size set to 18 point, but for some reason your text is appearing in something more like 12 point. If you're hard-specifying a particular font-size, please don't!

Ah, there was one spot in the style sheet where the font size was specified as 12px. I changed it to 1em, so now it should respect whatever size you set in your browser's preferences.

The picture is just the one that came with the theme. It's a nice picture, but I'm going to change it to distinguish my blog from others using this theme.

The size is ok now, but I find the font a bit "blurry". Possibly the textured background isn't helping. Also, sans-serif fonts are better for on-screen reading (serif fonts are better for print).

I'm not seeing any textured backqround. I've changed the font specification so that it doesn't fall back to serif, so everyone should now get sans-serif text.