My blog casts a huge shadow

Blogwise have used the Google Maps API and GeoURL to get a map showing locations of blogs (If you follow the link you'll have to click on the satellite button to see anything).


Those shadows don't look quite right. How could the sun be shining from the south?


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Well, this constitutes obvious proof that manmade global warming is a hoax.

Saurabh: Hint 1: the longitude and latitude displayed in the blog maps popup tip are labelled incorrectly (reversed). Hint 2: use blogmaps and zoom out. Hint 3: get a clue about who Tim Lambert is.

By Nick Barnes (not verified) on 01 Jul 2005 #permalink

Nick - I observed all of those things. I was being facetiously obtuse. Be more charitable and less snarky in the future, please.