Bad Science: The Missing Chapter

Ben Goldacre has posted the chapter he was forced to leave out of earlier editions of Bad Science because of a lawsuit from charlatan Matthias Rath:

Although the publishers make a slightly melodramatic fuss about this in the promo material, it is a very serious story about the dangers of pseudoscience, as I hope you'll see, and it was also a pretty unpleasant episode, not just for me, but also for the many other people he's tried to sue, including Medecins Sans Frontieres and more. If you're ever looking for a warning sign that you're on the wrong side of an argument, suing Medecins Sans Frontieres is probably a pretty good clue.

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Very interesting stuff. Everyone should read the chapter and buy the book as the Bad Science column in the Guardian is a must read. Good to see that some of Robyn William's work has rubbed off onto his nephew, Ben.... and vice versa..

My wife gave me "Bad Science" (the old version) as a birthday present. Highly recommended!

By Lars Karlsson (not verified) on 19 Apr 2009 #permalink