I nominate Frank

Frank Noschese is a physics teacher and a blogger (and frequent commenter on Dot Physics). And I nominate Frank as the new librarian of videos that can be analyzed for realness or fakeness. Or, as Frank calls them Win-Fail Physics. Note that I sort of changed his theme a little - sorry Frank.

Win-Fail physics videos are all over the place. You know I like these things. They are videos that look cool and people question if they are real or fake. Sometimes it is easy to tell, sometimes it takes a little analysis, and sometimes it is very difficult to tell (and I get it wrong).

So, here is the site. Win? Fail? Physics. There are already videos there, just waiting to be analyzed. These would be perfect for a class activity (I will try to restrain myself - but really, what was Frank thinking sending these to me? Oh, I won't analyze them. Oh, I can stop analyzing at any time. I am totally in control of myself........arrrrrrrrrhhhhhggggggg)

One last hint: for motion videos, the easiest thing to look for in falling type videos is the vertical acceleration. It should be constant. Oh, and the horizontal acceleration in projectile motion is zero - if it is real.

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the first step to overcoming your physics video analysis problem is admitting that you...oh forget it. the first step is to break out the tools and analyze!!!!