The Onion reports the news

&otFrom The Onion's "American Voices; (man in the street interviews)

Congress Approves Surveillance Measures

The Democratic-controlled House passed a bill that will allow wide-ranging domestic and foreign eavesdropping that would be authorized by a secret court. What do you think?

Ed Albaugh, Elevator Repairman

"You won't need to eavesdrop to hear this: I voted for you assholes because you said you were against shit like this."

Is this really satire?

More like this

Satire is obsolete

Coin - I think the damn politicians are hoping the Constitution goes obsolte too. Assholes.

CNN sidebar headline at that Onion story says, "Miners will be found dead or alive". Is this really satire?

By Matt Platte (not verified) on 07 Aug 2007 #permalink

A read that one fifth of Democrat Congressmen voted for the bill. 80% did not. Divide and conquer works again.