pauses for software upgrade

The whole site (all 60 plus blogs) will be performing an upgrade to Moveable Type 4 starting today at about 1 pm (Eastern Standard Time, US, Friday, Jan. 9). The site will remain up but there will be no posting and no commenting until the upgrade is complete, we hope by late Saturday sometime. I don't think you will see much difference on your end but there will be improved speed and new editing tools for us and, we are promised, future improvements in commenting and other features, for you.

Meanwhile, there are lots of great science blogs out there, so take the time to search them out and visit them. For public health there is still The Pump Handle and I highly recommend Stayin' Alive. The blogroll in the left sidebar is a good place to start, especially for bird flu stuff. We'll be posting again as soon as we can.

The Reveres


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