Tuesday Tidbits


Anak Krakatau erupting as seen from Rataka Island. Image taken by Marco Fulle of Stromboli Online.

  • I frequent the Astronomy Picture of the Day website run by NASA on a daily basis. Yet somehow today I didn't check the site until well into the evening and was greeted by one of the best astronomy-volcano images I've seen in a while. Marco Fulle of Stromboli Online captured this image of Anak Krakatau erupting (in 2008 or 2009 ... its unclear in the caption) with Ursa Major rising over the volcano. There have been quite a few volcano-related images on APOD, but alas, they don't have a "volcano" category in the archives. It is well worth checking out each day if you're looking for great science imagery.
  • Now that the activity at Redoubt seems to have subsided, we know that the subject of the Drift River Oil Terminal would return. We now have news that oil production in the Cook Inlet will resume very soon, but the DROT will play a very different role. Instead of storing oil at the Terminal as was before Redoubt reawakened this year, the oil will be pumped directly from the production platforms through the terminal into the tankers, bypassing storage in the tanks. This solution is a compromise between those who think the DROT should be permanently moved and the oil producers who know that such a move could permanently stop oil production in the inlet. The DROT survived the 2009 activity at Redoubt without much damage and the rest of the oil in the storage tanks at the facility will be moved by mid August. Redoubt remains on Yellow Alert.

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Image courtesy of AVO/USGS taken by Kristi Wallace showing the eruption plume on March 31, 2009. Today's update will be relatively brief: AVO has returned Redoubt to Orange/Watch status after this weekend's eruptions. The new dome continues to grow and this is accompanied by the usual volcanic…
Image courtesy of AVO/USGS by James Isaak. Photo taken 3/31/2009. No, this isn't Battlestar Galactica, but the same can be said for the Drift River Oil Terminal: this has all happened before and will all happen again. Coast Guard officials have (finally) decided to move ~6.3 million gallons of…
Redoubt in April 2009 with Anchorage in the foreground (along with two F-22 Raptors). Image courtesy of Calvin Hall. It has been quite some time since I talked about Redoubt, mostly because the volcano has been in the "slow extrusion of a dome" mode that has not generated much beyond impressive…
The Anchorage Daily News has an excellent article today on the Drift River Oil Terminal, a depository for oil collected from the platforms in the Cook Inlet. This oil terminal stores at least 1,000,o00 barrels of oil (see article for why we're not sure) and sits, well, at the base of Redoubt (see…

I like the way the stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper are pointing at the volcano. :-)

This certainly is a right place a the right time kind of shot! Very nice find!!

Great photo; can I say that Marco has an artist's eye for composition as well