Rescued from the spam-file (kind of).

Left by a self-proclaimed "fitness specialist" and "trainer of personal trainers" (along with all manner of contact information) as a comment on this post:

Isn't it amazing that someone like Darwin is celebrated for his thoughts. Evolution is bunk! I am not a creationist either. But to evolve an animal had to make a conscious decision. An example: a fish had to decide that land was the next place it was going to make its home. How many fish had to make that decision and how many realized they would have to die before their gills evolved into lungs? Yet there are people who actually believe in evolution. Somebody is not thinking things through.

Way to combat the stereotype that personal trainers aren't that bright!

Also: dude, break down and buy some ads. Spreading your digits in the comments section of a blog just reeks of desperation.

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Yeah, he left a comment on my blog too. Made it through the spam filter for some reason...

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 02 Feb 2009 #permalink

I deleted a meaningless comment by the same person in 5 seconds yesterday.

It must be hell for the poor guy. Everytime he looks for info on 'fitness' he gets some science. He must also hate trains.