What readers who find this blog were looking for.

Every now and then, I have a look at the logs of incoming traffic to see how people are getting here. A bunch of people arrive via search engines, and here's some of what they've been searching for in the last couple days:

  • swine flu and air travel
  • math limerick
  • ethics, jokes
  • why would i want to blog
  • states of matter poems
  • mothers day ethics
  • what's the poin of going o college [sic]
  • substitute oil mashed avocado
  • keep your wonderful head
  • importance of intellectual honesty in science
  • how to fake a fever using a tympanic thermometer

I'm guessing that not all of the people making these searches found what they were looking for here (and I'd really like to know the story behind the "keep your wonderful head" search).

More like this

'' how to fake a fever using a tympanic thermometer ''


"Math Limerick"?

There once was a theorum from Nantucket
That involved a big slice of pi...???

There once was a lover of pi
Who was a chauffeur for some guy.
She got on a tangent,
Ran over the poor gent,
And from then on derived with a sigh.

No - there isn't enough breadth in the obscene vocabulary there. Combinations of the "F-word" don't really count for all that much. I'm sure there's places with worse.

If you substitute the F-word with "smurf" I think that would make the language either more disgusting or humorous (depending on your viewpoint), though less likely to show up on searches.