Framing Science Moves to Big Think, Relaunches as the Age of Engagement Examining Communication, Culture, and Public Affairs

Today I move to my new home at Big Think

[Follow the blog via its RSS feed, on Twitter, and on Facebook.]

Over the past four years at Scienceblogs, I have had the wonderful opportunity to be part of a blogging network that includes dozens of talented writers and thinkers. Current and former Sciblings such as Deb Blum, Ed Brayton, Benjamin Cohen, Bora, Sheril Kirshenbaum, Jonah Lehrer, Chris Mooney, David Ng, Randy Olson, Chad Orzel, Jessica Palmer, Christina Pikas, Janet Stemwedel, and Carl Zimmer have inspired my writing and introduced me to new ideas and perspectives.

Scienceblogs has also afforded me the opportunity to reach scientists, scholars, students, and professionals working in areas related to science communication, education, and policy. Many of these blog interactions have translated into face-to-face connections, collaborations, and friendships.

In recent months, however, I have started to rethink the focus of my blogging, wanting to continue to track issues and research in the area of science communication and public engagement but also desiring to move broader, tackling questions more generally at the intersections among communication, culture, and public affairs.

So today I am launching a new blog called the "Age of Engagement" at Big Think. In my inaugural post, you can read about the topics, questions, and themes I will be exploring, as well as weigh in with your own suggestions for topic ideas. In the video clip embedded below , I discuss the central premise behind Age of Engagement. Paul Hoffman, editor at Big Think, also has this spotlight on the blog and a round-up of some of the recent video interviews posted in conjunction with the launch.

Framing Science readers will continue to find a strong emphasis on research and initiatives related to the public understanding of science, technology, and the environment along with the archives from my last four years of posts. There will also be a re-invigorated conversation about questions of faith and non-belief and the relationship between science and religion. On this topic, see this post and video interview I did with Big Think, where I discuss the role that blogs and new media have played in the rise of the New Atheist movement.

So let the Age of Engagement begin!

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