I doubt anyone's noticed, but I recently rearranged my "Blogs I Read" menu to give appropriate prominence to three fellow genomics bloggers: Anthony Fejes, Dan Koboldt and David Dooling. If you're interested in the cutting edge of modern genomics you should definitely be reading these guys; all three are researchers working on hard problems in major genomics facilities while walking the blogging tightrope.
This week Dan advocated genetic testing of all cancers, Anthony had two thought-provoking posts on personalised medicine (here and here), and David ran a critical eye over pharma giant Merck's alleged foray into public domain data release.
I actually had the good fortune to meet all three bloggers at the recent AGBT meeting (and Dan has the photo to prove it). If you're interested in finding out more about the scientists behind the posts, you can check out Anthony's software, Dan's research on sequence alignment algorithms, and David's excellent talk on genome informatics (along with a desription of the heroic lengths he went to in order to create the movie!)
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thanks for these links, don't you think you blogroll is little small considering infinity size blogroll of fellow science bloggers :)
It's not intended to be a comprehensive list of science bloggers; as the title says, it's just the blogs I actually read on a regular basis.
Hey Daniel,
thanks for the plug! I've recently bumped the same set of blogs to the top of the set I read, as well. (Well, same set of 4, really, since I read your blog frequently, and always end up reading my own after I hit the publish button...)
In any case, just for the record, my software has moved over to sourceforge, where users can find more recent versions: http://vancouvershortr.sourceforge.net/
I'd like to kill off the bcgsc.ca page for findpeaks, but we published with it, and have to keep it up for at least a few more years.
Wow, great links. Two of the bloggers reside on the floor below me here in St. Louis, and I had no idea there were bloggers in the Wash. U. Genome Sequencing Center (now known as The Genome Center, not to be confused with the Center for Genome Sciences one floor above - we love original names here, as you can tell).