This WILL be an historic year at the polls when it comes to the issue of same-sex marriage. The question remains, though, what will this year's election, and the society voting in it, be remembered for? There four states with ballot items related to this issue: Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
I heard the following from a state legislator the other day. The pages who come from all over the state, brought in by elected members of both of our ruling parties, get together and do political and educational stuff. One thing they do is to vote on issues. Here are two things this legislator was told by these young, pr-voting age kids from across Minnesota:
1) We voted unanimously in favor of same sex marriage (against the proposed amendment to ban it constitutionally); and
2) We're coming. If the conservatives want to ban same sex marriage, they better do it this year in the Constitution, because in a couple of years it will be impossible to pass such a law. Because we're coming.
One way to help might be to click here.
And if you are in Minnesota, also click here.
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