The top of the Earth burns, makes Global Warming Worse

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The great cycle of climate change. Anthropogenic Global Warming has resulted in a relatively increased warming of the poles, which changes the dynamic of jet streams forming thus causing quasi-ressonant (stuck in place) Rossby Waves (curvy slow moving jet streams) which then fuels Weather Whiplash (or Weather Weirding if you prefer) which at the moment is causing unprecedented wild fires especially in Western Canada and Siberia, which causes a darkening of glacial surfaces in Greenland (Dark Snow) which decreases albedo which then contributes to both Arctic Amplification and Global Warming.

It's happening now at your local planet.

Here's some information about the fires, some older, some newer:

  • Wildfires drive residents from homes in Washington state and Canada
  • Polar Jet Stream Wrecked By Climate Change Fuels Unprecedented Wildfires Over Canada and Siberia
  • Forest fires in Canada confirm predictions of ‘unprecedented’ wildfire activity
  • Siberian Forest Wildfires Triple Within Three Days
  • _________
    Photo from here.

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