Anti-BP Tees

In the French Quarter of NOLA, shirts about the spill are a hot item. Here are a few favorites around town. For more, check out our Flickr set devoted to oil spill t-shirts.






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Right, Greg: "Spill, baby, spill!" has a LOVELY one--"BP: Bringing Oil to American Shores" with the logo. It came out just days after the spill.

hello all,

I live on the Gulf Coast in Florida on Anna Maria Island.The mayor and officials keep telling us our town will be fine.I think it is just a matter of time that either the oil or dissolved oil(hydrocarbons) will hit our shoreline.The currents will change in october and I believe it will take DECADES to clean this oil spill up so there will be plenty of oil to go around.

I feel badly for all those people who have helped preserve the Gulf that are no longer with us.It took 30-40 years of dedication to help bring back the populations of Brown Pelicans,Bald Eagles,Ospreys,Reddish Egrets, Roseate Spoonbills etc .
All this is gone by the GREED of a company and the lack of oversight/foresight of the regulators.

We tried to get up there to LA. and help out but were denied entry.With little information coming out of the bayous and some of it ridulous such as this oil spill was deliberate for "new world order" Jennifer in your professional opinion and we know it is early.

How bad is the damage to marshes and estuaries? How many years for recovery? Have you heard any truthful/reliable info on where the deep oil plumes are moving to? Gulf loop current or down the florida coast?



By Greg from Florida (not verified) on 18 Jul 2010 #permalink

@ Greg: I'm not sure there is any reliable info, as such, for what you're asking. The precedents in Mexico and Alaska aren't reliable indicators because of a) vast differences in localized ecosystems (Alaska) or b) entirely unreliable reports of spill size (Mexico) and c) the unique location within ocean currents of this particular spill. It also doesn't help that d) outside of Europe there isn't a lot of accountability for oil companies and, therefore, it's well-nigh impossible to know exactly how much oil has been spilled into different areas of the globe. Now, having said all that, what is the woman in the first picture holding? That pic has some funny blocking. It looks like a gun which somehow seems like an apt accoutrement.

Ãzellikle son zamanların en popüler cilt yenileme ürünüdür. Pembe Maske bir çok ünlü isim tarafından da yoÄun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yüzdeki kırıÅıklıklar, sivilce ve sivilcelerin sebep olduÄu deformasyonları gidermede kullanılan Pembe yüz maskesi ve inceltici, selülit giderici olarak kullanılan pembe vücut maskesi olmak üzere iki farklı ürün mevcuttur.

I love the "Bad People" T-shirt. Sadly, I'm not sure if the Obama one is accurate enough. I was so disappointed. I thought he would come out guns blazing but he let me down.