Belated blogiversary!

Here's wishing a belated blogiversary to Holocaust Controversies! On its first blogiversary, Nick has posted a cautiously optimistic analysis on the reason why Holocaust denial is losing its potency and increasingly being abandoned, even by the far right, as the completely ludicrous lie that it is.

I have no illusions that Holocaust denial is going away any time soon, but it does seem to have lost some of its influence, and here's hoping that, as long as deniers spew their lies, Sergey, Nick, and Andrew over at Holocaust Controversies and organizations like The Holocaust History Project will be there to refute them with the facts, as they do, for example, in their latest installment of That's Why It's Denial, Not Revisionism.

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A bit of "respectful insolence"; you spelled "losing" incorrectly and set off one of my pet peeves. :D

By Brian Ford (not verified) on 24 Mar 2007 #permalink

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick! What's with all the spelling and typo flames (not from just you--yours just happened to be the one that set me off) lately?

Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of them and am thinking of summarily deleting any comment that is nothing more than a spelling or typo flame.

While Holocaust Denial may be losing it's potency with the Far Right, it's gaining it quite nicely on the Far Left.

By NoAcuteDistress (not verified) on 24 Mar 2007 #permalink