Welcome back, PalMD!

Good news! After an extended and distinguished stint as a coblogger on Denialism.com, blog bud PalMD has decided to resurrect his own blog, the place where he got started, White Coat Underground. The only difference is that this time he's doing it as a member of the ScienceBlogs collective.

Head on over and say hi. Tell him Orac sent you.

More like this

Cool. You guys should get Novella over here. Don't let him stop his other blogs, though ... I just want more content from him. My understanding is that you get paid per click, so if he does it right he ought to be able to quit his job. :P

I doubt Steve would ever come over here. He has his own agenda and wants to build something his own way. It'd be cool if I were wrong, though.

Congrats to PalMD. Although I'm sure he will missed by the Hoofnagles, I hope they step in to fill the large void.

I was wondering if both of you have seen the "Health Proposal" being voted on at Change.gov. It is high on the popularity list and includes "freedom" from vaccinations and chemtrails:

Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom
Health Freedom - Our First Freedom!

Health Freedom means the right to control what happens to your body, choosing your own health path, making our own health choices as you see fit.

Please vote for health freedom so we can have:
Access to high potency nutrients and supplements
Protection from Codex
Absolute medical privacy
Meaningful organic standards
Access to raw milk, bitter almonds and other health aides
Irradiation-free foods

Freedom from:
- Unlabelled GMO foods
- Coercedor mandatory vaccinations and other medical treatments including psychiatric or other drugging
- Involuntary experimentation on foster children, prisoners and civilian populations
- Chemtrail spraying
- Câ¦

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Great, another blog to keep up with.