An Eyewitness Account of Cyclone George

I just received a long blog comment from Rich, who manages the Black Rock Tourist Park in South Hedland, Australia. They bore the brunt of Cyclone George down there, and Rich's comment makes for fascinating--and harrowing--reading. Here's one tidbit:

The ceilings literally rose and fell inches as the wind whipping over the building sucked at the roof. Walls and windows flexed visibly, as debris, like bullets, peppered the house, tearing long gashes in the colourbond steel cladding. and shattering double glazed windows behind security grills designed to stop impacts.

The rest of Rich's comment can be read here. There's also a link provided to some pictures of the destruction. I've taken the liberty of posting one here:

i-9b0e6ce54a6a92190f989513b9632aac-george destruction south hedland.jpg


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