Thank Crist! Florida Readying for Storm World

While Chris is on tour talking about Storm World, related global warming news right out of the state near and dear to my heart of mammoth proportions..

i-a5f110aceb0f3a9ce45d28edd7482382-Floyd_13-9-99.jpgThe Florida Climate Change Summit is about to kick off July 12-13 in Miami and I expect it will be a precedent setting event. State, regional, national and international leaders will explore opportunities for advancing the global climate change agenda which means serious discussions on combating greenhouse gas emissions and global warming pollution, creating cleaner car and efficiency standards, and promoting renewable energy. Governor Charlie Crist has exciting plans and the summit will unfold live via Web casts of keynote speakers and panel discussions. There's no question the Sunshine State is stepping up to the challenge to take action and you bet I'll be tuning in.

And with regard to the use of technology increasing our access to information, I realize some folks are unable to join Chris on tour. Thus, I give you the latest Mooney on your laptop courtesey of Democracy Now!:
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All available for webcast and check in for great FL gov't building LEEDS requirements, fleet efficiency requirements and emission reductions. Executive orders that were leaked show them to be really nice efforts!

By Purposefully A… (not verified) on 12 Jul 2007 #permalink

Heard you on the Barometer Bob show last week and just got your book last nite. Cant wait to crack the spine on it and get started. Wish you were coming closer to Jacksonville, would love to meet you.

Thanx for the info.

By Steve Palmeter (not verified) on 13 Jul 2007 #permalink