Women We Like

'I wanted to blaze a trail as a woman in math--once I decided I probably couldn't be a baseball player.'

- Moon Duchin

A pioneer in mathematics, Moon hopes to do interdisciplinary teaching and research incorporating math and the humanities.

Moon has a keen mathematical intellect, which she brings to bear on problems of history, politics, and philosophy seldom touched by rigorous logic. Her essays and teaching breathe new life into the ancient idea that mathematics is the prerequisite for all serious thinking.

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I knew Moon when I was a graduate student at Cornell. She came with Persi Diaconis when he visited us for a year (before settling in at Stanford). Lost track of her after she got her NSF and headed to Harvard for graduate school. Good to see she is still doing well.

Watch her take down those monolithic units of history, politics, and philosophy! She'll be the Moon unit zapper.

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.