'How long have I been at this, like, five weeks?'

- Sarah Palin, Vice Presidential Debate October 3, 2008

Uh, yes. Anyone else get the feeling that the VP candidates are speaking different languages tonight?


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Agreed. She also seems to have some prejudice against the letter G. Maybe some childhood trauma with Sesame Street.

This may just be my college test-taking experience showing, but regardless of whether you want to answer the question or not, you do fail if you refuse to demonstrate that you understand the question, like Palin's non-answer to what her "Achilles heel" was.

My $0.02.

Well, no. She wins if the net effect of the debate on the electorate favours the McCain/Palin ticket. By that metric, early indications are that she lost.

Listening to her, I'm under the impression that she's already given up on winning VP and is really running for reelection as governor.

The expectations for Palin were so low, that anything short of not showing up would be a plus for her.
Joe Biden and Sarah Palin sound like they come from different universes.. he could lead the country, and she the local pep-rally.

Linda wrote:

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin sound like they come from different universes.. he could lead the country, and she the local pep-rally.

Did any of you guys catch any of the utterly weird Republican spin after the debate?

Here's a sample:

And that's not, yet, including Rich Lowry's "Hey, I think she just winked at me... sent little starbursts through the screen ... and man, she's got it" comments.