Live From NY, It's The Presidential Debate With Special Guest 'Joe-The-Plumber'

i-1d5b85618f386d0513c8c30c5f2ba98b-joe the plumber.pngHere's hoping Joe Wurzelbacher makes a cameo on this week's SNL...

I can't believe McCain brought up autism again. And earmarks for the planetarium in Chicago. And Ayers. This debate feels like we're watching the 'Greatest Hits' of the McCain campaign.

Oh and on the last question, I have to agree with Chris. There's no doubt that on science, Obama is looking very presidential.


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The best part was when McCain called Obama "Senator Government." I LOLed.

Is he any relation to Robert Wurzelbacher, Charles Keating's son-in-law? Robert was sentenced to 40 months in prison for his role in the Keating scandal. Both Wurzelbachers are from Ohio. There's no proof they are related. It is one of life's little ironies that brings up the Keating 5 scandal in a way the McCain and his supporters probably wouldn't want it brought up.