I guess I really am out of the loop

You know when you're out of touch when your own wife starts up a blog and you have to find out from sitemeter! I'm sure I would have heard about it soon anyway, but I sensed a disturbance in the interwebs and had to check it out. It's called The Olive Tree, and she's got her first post up here. She's a much better writer than I am, so check it out if you've got the time.

[My father-in-law took a brief foray into blogging as well (it was called Political Climate Change), although it seems to have slipped by the wayside.]

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Hahahaha... I was going to tell you when I got home tonight. I was wondering how Julia found my site so fast... you shall have to show me this magical "site meter" you speak of.

I think my dad is confused by the interwebs.

Sounds like trouble. Does this mean one of us needs to take you aside and give a fatherly talk about the importance of communication in a marriage? Or do you just have that kind of relationship and we can go back to wondering why that dinosaur in your logo has no genitals or anus (no wonder they went extinct)?

But now you both have a blog there won't be any more communication issues - you'll find out all you need to know by reading each others' blogs.

Oh the times I've found out that my husband is ill/has injured himself/has done something really stupid through a blog post...

Curses; you revealed the topic of what I was going to research in grad school, John. I guess it's back to the drawing board for me...